Top 4 Alternatives to Microsoft Clarity in 2024

Update date : 17 May 2024 | 9 Min Read

Understanding user behavior is important for website success. Powerful web analytics tools like Microsoft Clarity,, Hotjar, etc can provide this insight, helping businesses optimize the user experience (UX). These tools go beyond basic website traffic data and into user interactions, allowing you to see where visitors click and navigate on key pages. This comprehensive picture helps digital marketers, website designers, and even business owners identify areas for improvement and ultimately drive website success.


What Is Microsoft Clarity?

As a newbie to the user behavior analytics scene, Microsoft Clarity offers a unique perspective. It prioritizes a holistic view of user interactions, letting you see the bigger picture with precise numerical data and key metrics. But what truly sets Clarity apart is its entirely free price tag. Unlike competitors with expensive paid plans, Clarity offers most features at no cost, making it a budget-friendly option for businesses of all sizes. So, if you're looking for a comprehensive user behavior analysis tool without breaking the bank, Microsoft Clarity is worth considering.

What Are The Key Features of Microsoft Clarity?

Heatmaps and Session Recordings: Like Hotjar, Clarity lets you see how users interact with your site through heatmaps and session recordings. These tools even capture periods of user inactivity, providing a complete picture of user behavior.

Performance Metrics: Clarity goes beyond user interaction and delves into website performance. It can reveal insights like page load times and how they affect user experience, helping you identify areas for improvement.

Privacy-Focused: Clarity comes standard with peace of mind. It prioritizes user privacy by anonymizing data and ensuring responsible data handling practices.

What Are The Top 4 Alternatives To Microsoft Clarity?


What is

User behavior is the key to website success, but deciphering their actions can feel impossible. is your secret weapon, a powerful suite of website analytics tools that gives user insights and skyrockets your conversions.

See Your Website Through Their Eyes:

  • Heatmaps: Watch user clicks, scrolls, and mouse movements unfold like a captivating story. Discover high-engagement zones and neglected areas – all on a visual map.
  • Session Recordings: Witness real user journeys, replaying every step. Identify moments of confusion, pinpoint drop-off points, and gain an understanding of how users interact with your site.
  • Real-time Analytics: Get a live story for your website! See who's visiting, what pages they explore, and what actions they take all happening now.

Turn Insights into Action: helps you to transform user behavior data into actionable strategies that drive results:

  • Stop Cart Abandonment: Heatmaps pinpoint roadblocks in your checkout process. Optimize your website to streamline the flow and convert more visitors into buyers.
  • Experience Optimization: With heatmaps and session recordings, see your website through your visitors' eyes. Refine page layouts, CTAs, and the overall user experience for maximum engagement. doesn't just reveal user behavior – it helps you act on it.  Get ready to unlock a world of conversion-boosting insights and watch your website thrive!

Know how user navigate your website with best Microsoft Clarity Alternative

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Key Features of

1. Behavioral Analytics: Increase User Experience

Heatmaps, session recordings, and real-time data vividly describe how visitors navigate your website.  Identify pain points and optimize for a smooth, engaging user journey that keeps them returning.

2. Session Recordings & Replay: Know the complete Picture

Ever wished you could watch visitors navigate your site like a fly on the wall? Session recordings make it a reality! Replay individual user sessions to pinpoint moments of confusion or frustration. See exactly where users get stuck and gain invaluable insights to refine their experience.

3. Heatmaps: A Visual Guide to User Interaction

Imagine a map that reveals where visitors click, scroll, and linger on your website. That's the power of heatmaps! This visual representation helps you optimize page layouts, calls to action, and the overall user experience for maximum impact.

4. Live Visitor Tracking: Know Your Audience in Real-Time

See who's on your website at any given moment! Live visitor tracking lets you monitor which pages visitors explore and their actions. Proactively engage with high-value visitors, answer real-time questions, and convert them into leads or customers with personalized attention.

5. Live Chat: Power Up Conversions with Real-Time Support

Transform website visitors into happy customers with the power of live chat! This feature allows you to engage in real-time conversations, address concerns, answer questions, and provide instant support. Boost customer satisfaction and conversions with the power of live chat.

6. Form Analytics: Know Insights for Furthur Conversions

Stop treating your website forms like afterthoughts! Form analytics helps you understand how visitors interact. Identify areas of confusion and optimize your forms for higher conversion rates. Gain valuable insights into what information visitors are comfortable sharing and customize your forms for a smoother experience.

7. Triggers: Personalize Your Approach and Capture Leads

Take a personalized approach with triggers! Set up automated messages with live chat to engage visitors who spend a specific time on a page and indicate they might need assistance. This proactive approach helps you capture leads, improve website engagement, and convert more visitors into loyal customers. vs. Microsoft Clarity

Why Do Companies Use

2. Hotjar

Founded: 2014

Similar to:, Microsoft Clarity, Lucky Orange

Typical users: Product designers, researchers, and marketers

Typical customers: E-commerce and content-driven sites

What is Hotjar?

Hotjar watches user behavior rather than analytics, which means using heatmaps, session replays, feedback, and interviews to understand the qualitative aspects of the website and app. Hotjar is popular among product designers and marketers but not so useful for software engineers. According to BuiltWith (Feb 2024), 72,048 of the top 1 million websites use Hotjar, compared to Clarity’s 45,820, which makes Hotjar the most popular tool.

Key Features of Hotjar

  1. Heatmaps: Heatmaps reveal what grabs users' attention and how far they scroll on your pages.
  2. Recordings: Replay recordings of actual user sessions to understand their journey and identify pain points.
  3. Feedback: Use surveys and feedback tools to learn what users think. Discover their likes, dislikes, and suggestions for improvement.
  4. Surveys and Feedback: Conduct in-depth interviews to gain valuable insights, test design ideas, and get honest feedback directly from your users.

Hotjar vs. Microsoft Clarity

Hotjar positions itself as a more established option than the newer Clarity. While it might not offer the super advanced analytics found in tools like or Lucky Orange, Hotjar boasts some key advantages. Notably, it extends its functionality beyond websites by providing app tracking for both Android and iOS devices. Additionally, Hotjar stands out with its free plan, allowing you to analyze up to 1,000 user sessions per month (35 sessions daily) and access core features.

Why Do Companies Use Hotjar?

  1. Insight On User Behavior: Hotjar illuminates how users interact with your website. You'll see what elements grab their attention, where they click, and how much time they spend on different sections. These insights often lead to "aha moments" that can significantly improve your website's user experience.
  2. Simple For Non-Technical Users: No technical expertise is required to use Hotjar!  Its intuitive interface makes it easy for designers, marketers, product managers, and anyone on your team to gain valuable user insights.  The clear visuals communicate complex data in a way that's easy to understand.
  3. Heatmaps And Scroll Maps: Hotjar's heatmaps and scrollmaps provide a powerful one-two punch for website optimization.  By visualizing user clicks and scrolling behavior, you can identify areas that need improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance your user experience and page design.

3. Mouseflow

Founded: 2009

Similar to:, UXCam, Hotjar

Typical users: Marketing and UX teams

Typical customers: SMBs and enterprises in retail

What is Mouseflow?

Mouseflow caters primarily to marketing and eCommerce websites by offering user behavior analysis tools. These include session replays, heatmaps, and basic funnel analysis, allowing you to see how users navigate your site and identify areas for improvement. It integrates seamlessly with several popular A/B testing tools, making it easy to test different design variations and optimize for conversions.  While not as widely used as Hotjar or Clarity, according to BuiltWith data (February 2024), Mouseflow still boasts a respectable user base 5,555 among the top 1 million websites.

Key Features of Mouseflow

  1. Session Replays: Witness user sessions firsthand to pinpoint what elements aid or hinder their experience.
  2. Friction Scores: Identify sessions where users encounter frustration, allowing you to address any roadblocks in their journey.
  3. Click & Scroll Heatmaps: Visualize where users click and how far they scroll, revealing areas of high engagement and potential drop-off points.
  4. User Feedback: Gather direct feedback and ratings from users to understand their likes, dislikes, and suggestions for improvement.
  5. Form Analytics: Analyze form completion data to identify and reduce form abandonment, streamlining the user experience.

Mouseflow vs. Microsoft Clarity

While Mouseflow and Clarity share core functionalities like session replays and heatmaps, Mouseflow might be better if you require additional features like funnel analysis and user feedback tools. However, it's important to note that these functionalities may come at a cost. Mouseflow's free plan offers 500 monthly sessions, which might be sufficient for smaller websites. Upgrading to their Starter plan grants access to 5000 sessions for $30 a month, but this might not be necessary if Clarity's free plan with unlimited sessions fulfills your core needs.

Why Do Companies Use Mouseflow?

  1. Want To Understand User Behavior: Session replays and heatmaps provide a window into user behavior. You'll observe users' actions, identify which areas capture their attention, and gain valuable insights to refine your user experience and boost conversions.
  2. Save Time On User Interviews: Ditch the time-consuming hassle of user interviews! Mouseflow's combination of session replays and surveys allows you to collect valuable user data much more efficiently.
  3. Don’t Want Complex Software To Understand: Mouseflow keeps things simple. Its essential analytical tools and automatic front-end event capture make setup a breeze, empowering anyone on your team to uncover valuable user insights.

4. Lucky Orange

Founded: 2010

Similar to: and Hotjar

Typical users: Marketers and consultants

Typical customers: Small eCommerce businesses and agencies

What is Lucky Orange?

Lucky Orange is a user-friendly alternative to, explicitly catering to small eCommerce websites. It leverages session replays and heatmaps to provide insights into user behavior, helping store owners understand how visitors navigate their sites. Lucky Orange offers additional features designed explicitly for eCommerce, such as form analytics to identify signup drop-off points, live chat to engage with customers directly, surveys to gather feedback and promotion announcement widgets. Lucky Orange enjoys a loyal following among smaller online stores and freelance conversion rate optimization (CRO) consultants.

Key Features of Lucky Orange

  1. Session Reply: Session replays offer a fly-on-the-wall perspective, letting you see how real users navigate your website and identify any roadblocks they encounter.
  2. Heatmaps: Visualize where users click and scroll on your pages, revealing high engagement areas and potential drop-off points.
  3. Conversion Funnels: Basic funnel analysis empowers you to track conversion rates and pinpoint areas for improvement throughout the customer journey.
  4. Dashboards: Pre-defined reports simplify dashboard creation, giving you quick access to key user behavior metrics.
  5. Visitor profiles: View individual users' entire website activity within a single profile to gain a comprehensive understanding.

Lucky Orange vs. Microsoft Clarity

Lucky Orange streamlines Clarity's feature set, focusing on eCommerce conversion optimization. It shares core functionalities like session replays and heat maps. Lucky Orange prioritizes tools that are specifically valuable to small online stores. Its analytics provide valuable insights for these businesses but may lack the depth needed for intricate SaaS applications.

Why Do Companies Use Lucky Orange?

  1. Want Something Easy To Use: Lucky Orange boasts a user-friendly interface compared to other analytics tools. This simplicity empowers users to quickly analyze user behavior and identify areas for improvement on their websites.
  2. Want To Improve Conversion Rate: Lucky Orange excels at helping users optimize landing pages and e-commerce checkout flows, a key focus for many businesses. Its intuitive tools streamline the process of boosting conversions.
  3. Don’t Want To Compro In Page Speed: Users consistently praise Lucky Orange's minimal impact on website loading speed. This ensures a smooth user experience for your visitors while you gather valuable insights.


Does Microsoft Clarity slow down website performance?

No, Microsoft Clarity is designed to be lightweight and have minimal impact on your website's loading speed.

What are the cons of Microsoft Clarity?

While Microsoft Clarity is a powerful tool, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Limited data visualization: Compared to some competitors, Clarity might offer fewer ways to visualize and analyze your user data.
  • Privacy concerns: While GDPR compliant, some users might be concerned about collecting user behavior data.

What is the difference between Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity?

Both Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity provide website analytics, but they approach it differently:

  • Google Analytics: This tool focuses on website traffic and acquisition channels. It provides insights into where visitors come from, what they do on your site, and how they convert.
  • Microsoft Clarity: Focuses on user behavior. It uses session recordings and heatmaps to show how users interact with your website, helping you identify usability issues and optimize the user experience.

Does Microsoft Clarity have an API?

Microsoft Clarity offers an API to programmatically access your website analytics data.

Does Microsoft Clarity collect IP addresses?

By default, Microsoft Clarity collects some user data, including IP addresses. However, you can configure Clarity to mask IP addresses for privacy purposes.

How long is data stored in Microsoft Clarity?

The default data retention period in Microsoft Clarity is 90 days. However, you can also export your data for longer storage.

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Tapan Patel
Article by
Tapan Patel

As the head of sales & marketing, Tapan has expertise in the execution and planning of business growth strategies aligning with marketing trends. Tapan has over 10+ years of experience in IT marketing for creating growth strategies and managing sales.

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