How To Leverage Website Visitor's Data Using

Update date : 21 Dec 2022 | 7 Min Read

The average website conversion rate is 2.35%  across all industries. Shocking, isn’t it? (Source)

Marketers spend so much time and energy driving website traffic yet fail to achieve a reasonable conversion rate. Indeed, there must be a better way to overcome this and reach 97.65% of people. Thankfully, there is!

Tracking website visitor data is the best to identify anonymous website visitors. Want to know more about leveraging website visitor identification to boost conversions? Keep reading.

What Is Website Visitor Tracking?

Every website impacts the people who visit it; knowing what your visitors want and how they come to you is robust information. Website visitor tracking can give you an understanding of how visitors interact with your site and how they navigate throughout it. It also helps you identify what motivates your visitors, making it easier to customize your marketing efforts.

Why Should You Use a Website Visitor Tracking Software Like

By tracking your website visitor data, you can better understand your audience and better target your content, strategies, and promotions to them. The result is increased revenue and brand loyalty.

Still not convinced? These website visitation statistics will make our case for you:

✅ Only 8% of conversions happen on the first interaction with a brand. (Source)

✅ The best-performing websites have a conversion rate of 11%. This means there is room for improvement on your site. (Source)

✅ Only 22 percent of businesses are happy with their conversion rates. This means the rest remain unsatisfied and want to convert more visitors to customers. (Source)

✅ 82% of marketers state that learning how to track and test conversion rates successfully is highly or moderately challenging. (Source)

✅ More than 48% of sales occur after four to ten contacts or more. (Source) A companion to Google Analytics

You might wonder why a tool is needed when Google Analytics can do the job.

You’re right! Google Analytics can identify website visitors, but you can’t really do much with this information. This means that the data provided is not enough or actionable. That’s because Google Analytics tells you the number of visitors to your website; it does not find website traffic data or tell you any other critical information., on the other hand, tells you who these visitors are, where they are coming from, what their company’s name is, their location, the date and time of their page visits, and so on. The best part is it also helps you reach out to these visitors, lets you create personalized experiences on the website, and, more importantly, closes deals as fast as possible. Hence, it fulfills the other criteria of being actionable.

How To Leverage Website Visitor Data Using

Now that you have all this data about the people visiting your website, what are you doing about it? Are you actually using this data to its fullest potential? Probably not. And here’s why you should. Your website is perhaps your brand's most valuable asset, so why not leverage it as much as possible?

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can utilize website visitor data using

1. Implement Heatmaps to Improve Landing Pages

Utilizing heatmaps on your landing pages can effectively reveal how visitors interact with your content, allowing you to pinpoint where their attention is focused.

You can gather valuable data on your content, images, videos, and call-to-action (CTA) button clicks using heatmap. This insight highlights areas for improvement to help you boost your conversion rates.

Scrollmaps are another useful tool that helps you determine the optimal length for your landing page. They can guide you in positioning your sign-up forms and CTAs for maximum effectiveness and conversions.

Click heatmaps track visitor mouse clicks, identifying hotspots where users tend to hover. Setting specific goals for your heatmaps and documenting key observations can lead to accurate conclusions and significant improvements in conversion rates.

After analyzing visitor interactions with specific elements on your landing page, you can customize UX, content, images, CTAs, etc, to improve user experience. This approach will help you optimize conversions.

Also Read: Why Is the Most Effective Website Visitor Analytics Software?

2. Customize User Experiences According to their Journey Stages

Not all users are the same. Some might be new and unfamiliar with your brand, while others might have heard of you but need help understanding your offerings. Some have been visiting your website for a while.

Users at different customer journey stages have varying perceptions of your brand and offerings. Is it reasonable to target them all with the same message and expect conversions? Absolutely not!

Instead, consider segmenting your users based on their customer journey stages and targeting them with tailored landing pages. This approach can significantly boost your conversion rates.

A robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool can be invaluable for effectively segmenting customer data by journey stages. It gathers all your prospect and customer data, including touchpoints with each user.

With a CRM, you can create customized target lists of users based on their customer journeys. Then, you can target each list with specific landing pages, email campaigns, advertisements, and messages, leading to a substantial increase in conversions.

Here are additional ways to personalize user experiences:

  1. Visitor Data Collection: Gather prospects' data to offer highly personalized experiences. This can be done using cookies, web beacons, email activity tracking, or direct visitor inquiries.
  2. Visitor Profiling: Use the collected customer and prospect data to create ideal customer personas, enabling personalized experiences for each persona.
  3. Set Your Goals: Before implementing personalization, define your objectives. While increased conversions might be a primary goal, consider setting other specific targets.
  4. Plan and Implement: Develop and execute your personalization strategies. Use A/B testing to experiment with different variations and ensure better results.
  5. Measure Success: Continuously monitor your metrics to determine if your goals are being met. This ongoing evaluation will help you improve your conversion rate over time.

3. Identify Causes of Increasing Bounce Rates

If you see increased bounce rates on your website, particularly on your landing pages, this red flag shouldn't be ignored. Increasing bounce rates often signal underlying issues that need addressing.

To identify the root cause, utilize heatmaps and session replays. These tools can provide insights into why visitors are leaving your site prematurely. Here are some common reasons for high bounce rates:

  1. Inconsistent Branding and Messaging: Users may leave if they encounter inconsistent branding and messaging across touchpoints. Ensure uniformity in your branding and messaging to maintain user trust and engagement.
  2. Slow Page Load Speed: Slow-loading pages can frustrate users, leading to higher bounce rates. Optimize your site to improve loading times.
  3. Unenticing Headline and Copy: Your headline and landing page copy might need to be more compelling to retain visitors. Create benefit-driven content that directly addresses users' pain points.
  4. Lack of Engaging Elements: Improve your page with engaging elements like images, illustrations, videos, and social proof. These additions can build trust and encourage users to stay and interact with your content.

Once you've identified potential causes for the increased bounce rate, use A/B testing to validate your hypotheses. For example, if you suspect the headline is the issue, perform split testing with different headlines to find the most effective version. This iterative process will help optimize your conversions.

4. Customize Landing Pages for Different Traffic Sources

Most businesses attract traffic to their landing pages from various sources, such as emails, social media advertising, and SEO. Each traffic source often carries different messaging. For instance, a Facebook ad might say, "Free landing page optimization tactics," while an SEO referral might promise a "Free checklist for increasing conversions."

To optimize the effectiveness of your campaigns and better target your landing pages according to the traffic source, consider using DNI (Dynamic Number Insertion) technology in your call-tracking efforts. DNI provides detailed insights into traffic sources, geographical locations, and campaign performance, allowing for more precise optimization.

Even if different messages aim to convey similar benefits, it's important to maintain consistent messaging from the initial point of contact to the landing page. Therefore, creating separate landing pages for different traffic sources can be highly beneficial. This approach ensures that each landing page is customized to align with the specific messaging that attracted the user, leading to a higher likelihood of conversions and an increase in sign-ups.

5. Use Session Recordings to Improve Landing Pages

Session recordings are a powerful tool for analyzing user behavior on your landing pages. Reviewing these recordings lets you gain detailed insights into mouse movements, user clicks, scrolling patterns, and the areas where users spend the most time.

Here’s how session recordings can help you improve your website’s performance and boost conversions:

  1. Improve Site Navigation and Design: Analyze session recordings to identify areas where users struggle with navigation or design. Use these insights to make your site more user-friendly.
  2. Optimize Form Design and Flow: Observe how users interact with your forms. If they abandon the form at a certain point, consider simplifying or redesigning it to improve completion rates.
  3. Identify and Address Distractions: Discover common browsing patterns and distractions preventing users from clicking your CTA button. Whether it's a misplaced CTA, distracting ad, or lengthy form, session recordings can help pinpoint the issue.

You can make data-driven decisions using session recordings to improve your landing page structure, reduce bounce rates, and increase conversions. For expert insights and further optimization, consider requesting a demo with

Also Read: Top 8 Session Recording and Session Replay Tools: A Complete Guide


How can website visitor data help you?

website visitor data can help shape your marketing strategy and direct its execution. This data can directly contribute to lead generation and sales goals.

Why is a website visitor tracking important for any business?

Website visitor tracking is a great way to understand who is visiting your website and what they are doing when they do so. It helps you better understand the people visiting your website, where they are in the buying cycle, and if you can improve conversion rates.

Is website visitor identification ethical?

Website visitor tracking software is a great tool, but as with all things, it depends on the software you use. When selecting a website visitor tracking tool, it is essential to ensure that the company you work with has clearly outlined policies regarding cookies and privacy to ensure the security of your visitor data. Luckily, ensures 100% compliance with CCPA, GDPR, and others.

How to Use Website Visitor Data in Marketing and Sales?

Marketers benefit from accurate data from a website tracking tool or website visitor tracking software. Sales teams can access information such as the names of people who visited a website and expressed interest in certain products.

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Krunal Shah
Article by
Krunal Shah

Having worked on numerous challenging projects in the fields of social businesses, the automotive sector, and education, Krunal has over 10 years of expertise in the IT industry.

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