5 Website Elements That Increase Website Conversion Rate

Increase website conversion rate

Marketing teams focus on increasing website traffic, intending to get potential leads to finalize deals. However, this is only one aspect of the overall strategy. Companies can achieve sustainable growth by maximizing website traffic and leads instead of solely relying on new traffic.

Sometimes even after putting much effort into the process, companies need help getting the required results in terms of the conversion rate. If you are also stuck in the same situation, this is high time to identify the scope to improve conversion rate on website and start from the beginning.

This is where conversion rate optimization (CRO) plays a crucial role. Our guide will provide insights on what is CRO, optimizing a website for conversion rate, and, why your business should prioritize improving conversion rates, and practical tips on getting started.

Let's first get to the basics of Conversion rate optimization:

What is conversion rate optimization?

Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the strategy to increase the number of profitable leads from website visitors. The effectiveness of the conversion rate optimization is calculated through the value of the conversion rate. Companies follow many methods and strategies to get the maximum out of their website traffic. The main factors of website conversion rate optimization are:

  1. Content strategy
  2. A/B testing
  3. Streamlining the workflow

Conversion rate optimization results in highly qualified leads, increased revenue, and lower business acquisition costs.

Now why is conversion rate optimization holds significance for a website:

"According to a report by Crazy Eggs, the bounce rate of most websites is 26 to 70% which adversely affects the website's SEO ranking."

So getting the website traffic is not enough; without conversion rate optimization, your business will have no scope to sustain the highly competitive market.

What is a Conversion Rate?

Illustration describes conversion rate graph

The conversion rate is the ratio of the number of website visitors and prospects who completed a desired action, like completing a web form, signing up for a service, or purchasing a product.

A high conversion rate signifies that website is optimized, well-designed, effectively structured, and appealing to your target audience. A low conversion rate represents poor website performance or design optimization, such as slow load times, a broken form, or irrelevant content copies.

How to Calculate Conversion Rate?

We have already discussed that the conversion rate is the ratio of the two factors: website visitors and no. of conversions.

So the basic formula is

Website Conversion rate calculation formula

Calculating your conversion rate is easy if you know how to define a conversion.

For example: If you define the number of newsletter downloads as conversion, you will divide the number of newsletter downloads by the total number of website visitors.

Likewise, you can define the conversion rate as per your requirement. Alternatively, you can calculate your website's overall conversion rate by dividing the total number of conversions for every conversion opportunity on your site by the total number of visitors.

How to Optimize a Website to Increase Conversion Rate?

Website optimization for conversion rate

In many ways, conversion rate defines the effectiveness of the marketing strategy and how a business can sustain the market. So every business needs to opt for the best conversion rate optimization strategy to get the maximum potential and profitable leads.

Here are some of the best ways to optimize your website for a high conversion rate:

Before starting, it's essential to evaluate your current lead generation status. This way, you can monitor your progress and identify the areas that require improvement.

1. Optimizing High Traffic Webpages

While there are multiple web pages on a website, some highly ranked web pages might make excellent lead generators, and you must identify them.

To begin, evaluate where your online traffic and outreach primarily come from - your lead generators.

Some common sources of visitors for a business include:

  • Email Marketing: Some visitors are coming through the links mentioned in the emails you sent to your potential audience.
  • Social Media: Some visitors come through engaging social media campaigns or your social media profiles.
  • Blog Posts: Some of the high-performing blogs are responsible for generating website traffic.

Infographic of not optimized and optimized web pages with example

After identifying the top sources for the website visitors, you can evaluate the high-performing web pages and ensure they do everything they can to nurture a visitor's interest. Optimize the pages with the following:

  • Engaging and valuable content
  • Add longer-form content visitors can access through forms that solicit their contact information.
  • Add lead flows (Highly-converting pop-ups)
  • Set up live chat support on high-traffic webpages

2. Add Text-Based & Personalized CTAs

We have always heard that visuals have a high chance of attracting users, but that works best for creating engaging ads and social media posts. Regarding CTAs, banner images are mostly ignored by visitors; this is called banner blindness, which is a common scenario nowadays.

Creating text-based, genuine CTAs with valuable content that aligns with your brand's offerings may increase the chances of user clicks.

Also, creating dynamic yet personalized content for your CTAs, including images, buttons, product/service recommendations, etc., boost the website's conversion rate.

For example: If a user is visiting again on your site after completing the form submission, the data is already stored about the prospect. A personalized welcome pop-up will create a positive user impact and increase the chances of conversion.

3. Optimize High Performing Blogs

After talking about the landing page optimization comes the blogs. Any website's blog section is crucial to an SEO strategy.

"The highly ranked website blogs with their profoundly ranked keywords drive almost 40% of traffic to the site."

As a marketing head, I have carried out this technique for my brand, and the outcomes were perfect. Blogs provide the audience with a knowledge base, and the authenticity of dynamic content enables you to tailor the user experience of your website to each visitor.

Even better, personalized calls to action in the blogs bring in 42% more visitors than standard ones. Dynamic content and on-page personalization assist you with producing more leads.

How can it function?

A simple welcome pop-up on the blog screen for the visitors would increase the chances of user interaction. Visitors to your website are more likely to stay and begin a conversation with you if they see pages that recall them from the past.

You will need to use a tool like riyo.ai to keep track of the visitors to deliver personalized experiences for them.

4. Assess Each Lead Generator

Test how every one of your current lead generators adds to your business utilizing an analytics tool. You can also compare the results of successful and unsuccessful landing pages.

Let's say, for instance, that you get 1,000 visits to Landing Page A, ten of which fill out the form and become leads. For Presentation page A, you would have a 1% transformation rate.

Now you have Landing Page B, a second landing page with 50 leads generated for every 1,000 visitors.

That would be a fantastic conversion rate of 5%.

Check out how Landing Pages A and B differ and adjust Landing Page A accordingly as your next step.

Last but not least, try running internal reports. Find out which offers to perform best by evaluating landing page visits, CTA clicks, and thank-you page shares, and then make more of such changes.

5. Add a Live Chat Widget on Website

Live chat services are becoming more sophisticated; many expect them when navigating a website. This suggests that you might need to pay attention to the live chat tool to avoid missing out on a significant source of leads.

With the right analytics tool, determine which pages visitors spend the most time on to generate leads through live chat. Add the live chat tool on the pages where clients need the most help or data. This permits you to gather data while addressing their inquiries nonchalantly.

Some Tips for Optimizing Website for Lead Generation

1. Customize your CTAs

Your click-through rates can be greatly improved through A/B testing. Using catchy and engaging CTA text can have a significant impact. Customize your CTAs according to the page content or service offerings.

2. Lead Nurturing

Remember that no lead will magically become a customer. Your efforts to nurture leads are only as good as your leads.

Place leads into a work process once they finish signing up on your website so they remember about you and keep them updated about the offers and advantages. The first step in lead nurturing should be to send relevant, well-written follow-up emails. Learn as much as you can about them as you nurture them, then tailor all subsequent communications accordingly.

3. On your homepage, start with a basic CTA

Your homepage should offer a free trial or a subscription to a recurring campaign like a newsletter because it is at the top of the marketing funnel. However, refrain from pestering your visitors with requests to view your longest or most complicated content.

On your website's front page, think about including one of the following CTAs:

"Subscribe for Updates"

"Get Free Demo"

"Try Us for Free"

"Ask for Free Consultation"

Use a call to action (CTA) and a form on your homepage to let people try your product for free for a limited time. You can collect their names and email addresses from there. After every dynamic item demo, please get back to the client to see their thought process.

4. Ebooks for Download

Create blog content promoting an ebook or whitepaper, where your website visitors can learn more about the subject they just read about on your blog. This is another non-intrusive method of generating interest in your company.

Ending Note!

As a rule, customers need their perusing experience to be as harmless as their purchasing experience. When they first visit your website, they often have yet to decide whether or not they want to proceed. These conversion rate optimization methods will help you implement the required changes to increase your conversion rate.

riyo.ai Convert equips businesses with an all-in-one sales and marketing tool with a suite of advanced features allowing to streamline the whole conversion process based on analytics. To learn more about what riyo.ai has in store for the growth of your business, contact us today!

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Tapan Patel
Article by
Tapan Patel- BDM

As the head of sales & marketing, Tapan has expertise in the execution and planning of business growth strategies aligning with marketing trends. Tapan has over 10+ years of experience in IT marketing for creating growth strategies and managing sales.

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